Extension Studies Program

AICS Extension Studies Program page ah kan lo lawm a che. Hetah hian Senate of Serampore College/University hnuaia Pathian Thu zirna program pahnih, Diploma in Christian Studies (DipCS) leh Bachelor of Christian Studies (BCS) chungchanga hriattur tul te dah a ni.

About The Program

Diploma in Christian Studies (DipCS) leh Bachelor of Christian Studies (BCS)-te hi Senate of Serampore College (University) in mahni tawng a Pathian thu zirna a buatsaih program a ni a. AICS-ah hian kum 2022 atang khan BCS hi hawn a ni a, kum 2024 atang hian DipCS hi hawn a ni leh a ni. Heng program pahnih academic year hi January atanga December thla chhung a ni. Regular student anga awmchilh ngai lova zir theih a ni. Medium of instruction hi Mizo tawng a nih lain zirlaiin ama duh angin Mizo emaw English emaw in exam a ziak thei ang (form fill up huna hriat tur).

Diploma in Christian Studies (DipCS)

  • Zir chhung (Duration): Kum 2. Registration hi kum 4 a dam avangin kum 2 chhunga a zawh hman loh pawhin kum 4 chhung a bei thei. 
  • Course awm dan: Paper (Subject) 12 zawh a ngai a, kum khatah paper 6 an zawh a ngai. Heng paper 12 zinga 7 hi required (lak ngei ngei tur) a ni a, a dang 5 hi optional an ni a, college in a endik ve thung ang. 
  • Admission requirements: Pawl 12 pass tan a zir theih. Tin, miin pawl 10 a pass a, kum 3 chhung work experience a neih chuan a zir thei bawk. Hetah hian Kohhran emaw sawrkar hnuai emaw pawh Work experience ah hian pawm a ni.
  • DipCS atanga zir Chhunzawm dan
    • DipCS to BCS - 2 years
    • DipCS to B.Th.- 2 years 
    • DipCS to B.Miss.-2 years 
    • DipCS to B.D. - 4 years (Provided they pass the English paper BOS 11 & 12 as Qualifying papers)

Bachelor of Christian Studies (BCS)

  • Zir hun chhung: Kum 4. Registration hi kum 7 chhung a nun avangin kum 4 chhunga zo hman lo tan pawh kum 7 chhung a exam thei. 
  • Course awm Dan: Course 24 pali hemi chhung hian zir tur a ni a. Course 15 hi required paper an ni a, senate in a endik tur an ni a. Course 9 erawh optional an nih avangin College in a en dik ve thung ang. 
  • Course Distribution:    
    • Biblical Cluster: 6 Course (Required 4, Optional 2)
    • b. Theological Cluster: 6 Course (required 4, Optional 2)
          (Christian Theology 3; Ethics 1; Social Analysis 1; Women Studies 1)
    • c. History and Mission Cluster 3 Courses (Required 2, Optional 1)
    • d. Religion Cluster: 3 Courses (Required 2, Optional 1)
    • e. Ministry Cluster: 6 Courses (Required 3 Optional 3)
  • Admission requirement
    • Recognised university atanga Bachelor Degree.
    • Pawl 10 pass chin tan Senate in a buatsaih mature candidate exam a a zawh mai bakah kum hnih (2) tal rawngbawlnaa lo in hmang tawh.
    • DipCS emaw Dip. BT pass bakah kum hnih (2) tal rawngbawlnaa lo in hmang tawh.

Extension Program tan a Contact Seminar 

Contact seminar, hi kum khatah vawi khat tal nei thin tura beisei kan ni a. Thahnem ngaihna avangin AICS bikah chuan kum khatah vawi - 4,  quarterly in contact seminar hi nei tura ruahman a ni (Jan-Mar, Apr-June, July-Sept leh Oct-Dec ah te hian vawikhat theuh neih tur a ni ang). Seminar hi weekend (inrinni) ah emaw holiday hun remchang zawn thin a nih avangin, a quarterly in ruahmanna siam a ni ang a. Time table pawh a dawnah buatsaih a ni ang. 

Study Materials

English Study materials hi Sceptre lamin an rawn buatsaih sa lei tur a awm. Mizo tawng erawh chu a la awm rih lo.


Application Form hi he website atang hian download theih a ni a (Application form | )

Application fee Rs.200/- hi form submit huna pek tel nghal tur a ni. Application form te hi a theh luh hun 15th October a ni a. Academic Office, AICS ah emaw email: ah theh luh tur a ni.

FEE STRUCTURE (Academic Session 2024-2025)

Bachelor of Christian Studies Diploma in Christian Studies
1. College Fees1. College Fees
Registration Fee600.00Registration Fee600.00
Examination Fee  (*350x2)700.00Examination Fee  (*350x2)700.00
Contact Seminar Fee4,000.00Contact Seminar Fee4,000.00
Stationery Fee1,000.00Stationery Fee1,000.00
Graduation Fee200.00Graduation Fee200.00
Subtotal 6,500.00Subtotal 6,500.00
2. Senate Fees2. Senate Fees
Examination Fee  (*350x4)1,400.00Examination Fee  (*350x4)1,400.00
Marks Fee250.00Marks Fee250.00
Council Fee100.00Council Fee100.00
Registration Fee600.00Registration Fee600.00
Regulation & Syllabus300.00Regulation & Syllabus300.00
Transcript Fee350.00Transcript Fee350.00
Subtotal 1,250.00Subtotal 1,250.00

Grand Total



Grand Total


Heng bakah hriat duh I neihte chu Dean of Extension Studies Program emaw Principal, AICS hnenah zawh fiah theih reng a ni.